Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Sibs

My siblings are about as good as they come. They are the perfect balance between sweet and rotten. I love them very much. They also take the cutest pics , as you can see. We all wrestle and play, and we get along most of the time. NOW.

Levi is 2 now,but he thinks he's 7 like his bro.

Sam is the coolest 7 year old I know. He is in swim lessons and doing great!

Beth is starting to babysit. It so much fun to watch , she is so cute!

Once again I love them very much. , and I would do anything for them.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog honey. You're doing a great job. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

This is really cool!

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hi-have a great summer!!