Hi, welcome to my blog!I am 14 years old and the oldest of four. I have been a blogger before, but became bored. I have since then been inspired by a few blogs, that you can find on my side bar, that made me want to try again and hopefully return the favor, and inpire somone else! I am taking piano lessons, and now feel extremely greatful for the opportunity to worship God through playing ( even with the beginner songs I'm plying right now), for I am neither a good singer nor dancer. I really enjoy taking pictures, but I'm not very good. Please enjoy yourself, and thanks for stopping by!
Sarah! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look!
-Your Friend-
Where did you get that header?
I have looked...
Hey Taylor,
Thanks. I like the new look too.
The header is one of a kind ,but you can get a different one at
There is no www. in front of the address. goofy huh?
I went to the website and it was one of those cheap advertising sites....Is that the website I am supposed to be going to?
Just wondering-Tay
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