Monday, January 14, 2008

Abraham's Well

I just finished reading a book by Sharon Ewell Foster called Abraham's Well. It's about a young black Cherokee girl that grows up in slavery after being forced off her family's land. This book tells the story of slavery as if through the eyes of someone who experienced it. It opened my eyes to parts of slavery I never really knew about, like how how brutally the white men took the slaves, and had so little heart to sell children away from their family. The slaves weren't even allowed to get legally married. I highly recommend this emotional yet touching book.


The Simple Things said...

Hey Sage - what a great book! Where was Abraham's Well based? What was the time period? It's amazing what generations before us have gone through and just how lucky and blessed we are today. Great job! Love you!

Sarah said...

Hey Aunt Shelley,
The story takes place in Oklahoma in the early 1800's. You are very right about how lucky we are. I even think that some people went through more suffering than the people in the book went through.
It's truly sad.

Taylor said...

Sarah! I absolutely LOVE your new look! Did you create this one too?

I hope that you know I was just playing in my other comment about the verse of the day thing...PLEASE talk to me -say something!!!
alright well I luv ya-Tay

Anonymous said...

SARAH!!!! Where are you? Please email me!


The Simple Things said...

Sarah - I absolutely love your new blog layout! That's awesome and tons of fun. Love you!