1. I could eat soup every day of my life.
2. I LOVE my mom's green shake, and I can make it better than her.
3. I cant spel too saiv my life. Thank gooodnes for spel chek, but it was brokin toda

4. If I don't wax my eyebrows they start to look like Groucho Marx. ->
5. I don't think this is weird, but I'm realizing it's uncommon. I love my siblings and I play with them.
Taylor, Aunt Shelley, Grandma, Dad, and Sammy . Tag
You guys are IT :0) You guys have to write 5 weird thing about yourself.
Hey! How are you?? I love your new blog template!! I love your tag answers, by the way.
Soup and Green shakes! WOW! What a combination. Thank goodness for spell check and wax. Brothers and sisters are wonderful. You are not very weird.
MMMMM... soup.
I too could eat soup everyday for the rest of my life... I LOVE IT.
I enjoy your blog and your weirdness and I pray my children will have the same weirdness as you on #5!
Katy McKinney
hey Sarah I tagged you! go 2 my blog to see! :o) Tay
I think you might be weirder than your sister!
too funny!
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