Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Verse of the Day
My blog buddy Taylor is doing a verse of the day on her blog. Now , I want everyone that visits my blog to get a chance to see the verse of the day. So I greatly encourage you guys to visit Taylor's blog for a verse to maybe perk up your day.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Are you a Christian? Yes
If the above answer was yes, how old were you when you became a Christian? 5
What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 96: 1-3
What is your favorite Old Testament book? Psalm
What is your favorite New Testament book? I'm not sure
Who is your favorite Old Testament character? Joshua
Who (with the exception of Jesus) is your favorite New Testament character? Paul
What is your favorite book and/or series? The Hiding Place
Favorite movie? The Note or The Ultimate Gift
Favorite music? Spirit( contemporary christian)
Favorite song? Carried to the Table
Favorite food? Any kind of soup, and Sweet Potato Caserole
Favorite subject in school? Bible and History
Favorite trip you’ve taken? To the beach in Califonia
Least favorite book? Skate( very BAD book)
Least favorite movie? Sky High
Least favorite song? Glamorous
Least favorite food? Frosted mini Wheats
Where are you reading in the Bible right now? Old testament
Are you trying to memorize any portion of the Bible right now? Not right now
If the above answer was yes, what is the reference to the portion you are memorizing?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Caroline
Are you allergic to anything? No
Do you play any instruments? What? Piano
Do you like to sing? Yes, but never a solo!!!!!!
Do you know how to cook? Do you like to? Yes to the first and Yes to the second!
Do you like to help people? Oh YES
Do you like children? I love them! I coudn't imagine life without them
Do you babysit? Yes, ALL THE TIME!!!!!
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Either Or
Are you organized? Sort of
Do you like to read? I really do ,when It's a good book
Do you consider yourself creative?! Sometimes
Are you fun to be around? I HOPE SO?!?
Do you play any sports? If so, what? I swim all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you write letters? Not really. I prefer email
Do you email? Yes!
Without looking at the time, what time do you think it is? I looked too, Tay.
Now what time is it really? 3:00
What’s the most recent song you’ve had stuck in your head? Chrismas With a Capital C
What’s the most recent trip you’ve taken? To the Beach in Florida
Ever been out of the U.S.A.? Not yet
Are you homeschooled? YES, I LOVE IT!!!
If so, have you always been? No ,I was in public school part of kindergarten and in First Grade.
How long did it take you to complete this tag? about 30 or so mins.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Christmas with a capital C
This video makes me laugh every time I watch it!!!!!!!!!!!! :0)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
GOAL Again
Here is the completed thank you list.
Aunt Shelly
Uncle Tom
Aunt Cheryl
Miss. Susan D.
Mr. Norm M.
Miss Kristina H.
Miss Cindy J.
Flicker of Hope
Thanks you guys.
We got Elfed
My best friend aspen and I got elfed this morning. check it out through the link below. :0)
Have fun!
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Psalm of Praise and Thankfulness for my brothers and sister
He shows mercy to all of his children
God shows His loving Mercy with blessings and second chances
We praise and honor you Lord with your blessings
I praise and thank you for my blessing of Friends for life
When in the hours I thought we couldn't be friends
Holy Spirit you filled inside of me and comforted me
Now I thank you Lord for my new Friends
Even though we are sometimes enemies, thanks to you God we get through it
Even when I think our friendship is on a hook
I pray and holy Spirit You fill our hearts with Thankfulness for each other
My Gracious, Merciful, Loving , Perfect, Just, and forgiving God has given me more than my fair share of second chances with my Friends for Life
When we argue and yell
When we stomp off in hate
Thank you God I still Have my Friends for Life
A Psalm by Sarah Jay>
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Goats for LIFE

Alright, here it is. A few weeks ago I went to a Casting Crowns concert in Birmingham, and the lead singer of Casting Crowns started talking about this organization called World Vision. To be totally honest I didn't really think much about it after the concert, but the other day we got a World Vision catalog in the mail. THAT GOT ME GOING! As I was looking through the catalog I was brain storming, so now I have so many projects I want to do. Oh, sorry you might be wondering what World Vision is. Well, it's an organization that does projects around the world, like build wells, houses ,and schools, and provide tools for impoverished families around the world to have a better life. They do a lot more than what I just said, but you can go to the World Vision website to get more information. Anyways, like I said I have so many projects I want to do, but I'm just starting with two. One of them is buying chickens through World Vision in honor of my family and friends for Christmas instead of buying them presents. Another, which I hope you will help me with, is the purchase of a pair of goats to give to a family or village. When you buy things through world Vision you don't receive them. World Vision sends them where they're needed, like poor villages, families in poverty around the world. To the right there is a place where you can make a donation using a Pay Pal account or credit card to help me with this goal.
I will post when we have made enough money to get the goats.

Are you still complaining?Observe around you and be thankful for all that you have in this Transitory Lifetime...We are fortunate, we have much more than we need to be content.Let's try not to feed this endless cycle of consumerism and Immorality in which this "modern and advanced" society forgets and ignores the other 2/3rds of our brothers and sisters.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Our Front Porch
We also have a baby lizard.
I will post pics:0)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Florida Vaca.
After we unloaded the car, we headed out to the bay, which was right across from the Gulf.
The bay was nice and calm, so all we had to do with Levi was stick him in his water wings and watch him float. He could stand too but he preferred to float. We went to the gulf once, but we weren't aloud to boogie board because the rip current was too strong. Even though we couldn't boogie board we still had fun, because Beth brought her net. She caught a blow fish. It was soo funny. Our sunburns were so bad that we ended up going back to our cabin after about an hour. We went to the Bay that evening. It's nice out side in the evening. The last day there was soooo much fun. We didn't go to the beach that morning. We went shopping and out to lunch. We hung out at the beach from about 3 to 8. like I said it is so nice there in the evening. After we ate we wanted to straighten Sam's Hair. So we did. It looked so wrong.
On friday morning we cleaned our cabin, and packed up. We got home at maybe 2:30.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Beth and I run into the room to see what's going on, and we see Levi barfing pink foam. Mom asked if there was anything in there that could have made him do that. We start looking around for anything, and Beth finds an open bottle of Benadryl. We knew that that was what he had gotten into. We were all panicking. My mom was shouting for my dad, and I was calling 911, Levi is still barfing, and Beth and Sam are in the extra room balling. A few minutes later Levi stops puking and an ambulance comes. Fire fighters come in and take a blood test and take him to the Emergency Room. My mom got to ride in the ambulance with Levi, and my dad followed them in his Jeep. We had to stay home with my Grandma. It was a good thing that we did, because they were gone for about three and a half hours. When mom, Dad, and Levi finally got home Levi was out. That was an experience I don't want to live again!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Bounce'n Bear
Monday, August 13, 2007
Josh Groban and African Children's Choir- You Raise Me Up
This song is powerful and uplifting! WARNING MIGHT MAKE YOU CRY!
Sorry for the "American Idol" thing. It was the best thing I could find
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Canoe Trip
Well a couple of days ago I went to Cold Water Creek to canoe with the youth group. It was so much fun. We canoed seven miles. The leaders said there might be snakes. I didn't see any, but there were a couple of girls that saw one. They were in a canoe together. It was pretty funny watching them scream and jump out of their boat. It made it more funny because I didn't have to see it, if I had, I probably would have done the same thing. At the end my fingers were so sore I couldn't snap for a while.
Sorry I don't heave any pics to show you.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
My Sibs
Levi is 2 now,but he thinks he's 7 like his bro.
Sam is the coolest 7 year old I know. He is in swim lessons and doing great!
Beth is starting to babysit. It so much fun to watch , she is so cute!
Once again I love them very much. , and I would do anything for them.