Thursday, August 16, 2007


My grandma had been here one day, and as usual Levi had run off to some part of the house. My mom was in my room getting Levi, and the next thing we know Mom is yelling "HELP! HELP! HELP!"
Beth and I run into the room to see what's going on, and we see Levi barfing pink foam. Mom asked if there was anything in there that could have made him do that. We start looking around for anything, and Beth finds an open bottle of Benadryl. We knew that that was what he had gotten into. We were all panicking. My mom was shouting for my dad, and I was calling 911, Levi is still barfing, and Beth and Sam are in the extra room balling. A few minutes later Levi stops puking and an ambulance comes. Fire fighters come in and take a blood test and take him to the Emergency Room. My mom got to ride in the ambulance with Levi, and my dad followed them in his Jeep. We had to stay home with my Grandma. It was a good thing that we did, because they were gone for about three and a half hours. When mom, Dad, and Levi finally got home Levi was out. That was an experience I don't want to live again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHHHH!!!! That is SCARY!! Believe me I know!
Cooper did that once but he was 2 and we thought he swallowed aspirin because they were all over the counter and he had white foam all around his mouth! But he had decided he didn't like the taste of aspirin and had just spit them out.....We learned this after taking him to the emergency room!