Thursday, December 13, 2007


Are you a Christian? Yes

If the above answer was yes, how old were you when you became a Christian? 5


What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 96: 1-3

What is your favorite Old Testament book? Psalm

What is your favorite New Testament book? I'm not sure

Who is your favorite Old Testament character? Joshua

Who (with the exception of Jesus) is your favorite New Testament character? Paul

What is your favorite book and/or series? The Hiding Place

Favorite movie? The Note or The Ultimate Gift

Favorite music? Spirit( contemporary christian)

Favorite song? Carried to the Table

Favorite food? Any kind of soup, and Sweet Potato Caserole

Favorite subject in school? Bible and History

Favorite trip you’ve taken? To the beach in Califonia


Least favorite book? Skate( very BAD book)

Least favorite movie? Sky High

Least favorite song? Glamorous

Least favorite food? Frosted mini Wheats

Where are you reading in the Bible right now? Old testament

Are you trying to memorize any portion of the Bible right now? Not right now

If the above answer was yes, what is the reference to the portion you are memorizing?

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Caroline

Are you allergic to anything? No

Do you play any instruments? What? Piano

Do you like to sing? Yes, but never a solo!!!!!!

Do you know how to cook? Do you like to? Yes to the first and Yes to the second!

Do you like to help people? Oh YES

Do you like children? I love them! I coudn't imagine life without them

Do you babysit? Yes, ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Either Or

Are you organized? Sort of

Do you like to read? I really do ,when It's a good book

Do you consider yourself creative?! Sometimes

Are you fun to be around? I HOPE SO?!?

Do you play any sports? If so, what? I swim all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you write letters? Not really. I prefer email

Do you email? Yes!

Without looking at the time, what time do you think it is? I looked too, Tay.

Now what time is it really? 3:00

What’s the most recent song you’ve had stuck in your head? Chrismas With a Capital C

What’s the most recent trip you’ve taken? To the Beach in Florida

Ever been out of the U.S.A.? Not yet

Are you homeschooled? YES, I LOVE IT!!!

If so, have you always been? No ,I was in public school part of kindergarten and in First Grade.

How long did it take you to complete this tag? about 30 or so mins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the Tag!
I didn't even think about tagging anyone...? Don't know what I was thinking..:o)
Your a really good blogger friend!
Good Grief we need to see each-other!
We live in the same state!
