Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Weirdness of Bethany

Mom tagged Beth to name 5 weird things about herself, but she is taking way too long so I decided to do it for her, so here we go.

1. Beth likes walking around in Samuel's boxer shorts and her basketball jersey. When Sam asks for his "underwear" back, she claims they are hers.

2. She thinks EVERYTHING has feelings, including toilet paper.

3. She can't sleep without earplugs, a fan, a nightlight and Benadryl.

4. She takes mom to her sleepovers along with her earplugs, fan, nightlight and Benadryl.

5. She continues to love me even though I am a bossy, know it all, sarcastic big sister.

On Bethany's behalf, I tag ME.


Bethany said...


Just A Family said...

The White house loves it...
I love the one that everything has
feelings even toilet paper how funny.

Robin and Taylor

Brandi said...

too funny! hmmmmm: kinda makes me want to write other people's lists too!

When will Robin and Taylor enter the game?


Anonymous said...

That is very funny!!!